Volume calculator

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Volume calculator

Volume calculator

Volume is one of the most important geometric characteristics: along with the perimeter and area of figures. But it can only be applied to three-dimensional bodies, which are characterized not only by length and width, but also by height/thickness.

Spheres, cubes, cylinders, pyramids, cones, parallelepipeds - all these are three-dimensional figures, the calculation of which is carried out according to special formulas, many of which were discovered by scientists before our era.

Historical background

Ancient Egypt and Babylon

The first evidence of the use of three-dimensional figures refers to Ancient Egypt, or rather, to its construction and architecture. Thus, majestic pyramidal structures could not be built without knowing the basic principles for determining mass and volume. This means that the ancient Egyptians, at least, could calculate the volume of cubes, prisms and pyramids.

A vivid example is the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops, 147 meters high, which has an ideal geometric shape of a pyramid. It is impossible to put it together from individual bricks and blocks in such a way that it has stood for more than 4500 years; this requires high-precision mathematical and engineering calculations.

There is no documentary evidence that the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used specific formulas to calculate volume, and perhaps they were used only in graphic and oral form - following separate principles, not clearly formulated rules.

From Ancient Babylon, only clay tablets have come down to us, which describe the rules for calculating a truncated (not complete) pyramid, but they would not be enough for the construction of objects of such a scale. It is known that many ancient civilizations calculated the volume of elementary figures by multiplying the area of their base by the height, but this is not applicable to such objects as cones, pyramids, tetrahedra. Although they are often found in ancient architecture and have well-defined proportions.

Ancient Greece

The principles of finding volumes were more clearly formulated in Ancient Greece - from the 5th to the 2nd centuries BC. Euclid introduces the concept of a cube, which simultaneously means both the volume of the figure of the same name and the raising of a number to the 3rd power. And Democritus in the 5th century BC for the first time formulated a rule for finding the volume of a pyramid, which, according to his research, is always equal to 1/3 of the volume of a prism of the same height and with the same base.

In the period from the 6th to the 2nd century BC, ancient Greek mathematicians also learned to calculate the volume of prisms, cylinders and cones, using the already discovered number "pi", which is necessary for calculating all round figures. Archimedes' research formed the basis of the integral method of calculus, and he considered his main discovery to be the formula according to which the volume of a ball is always 2/3 less than the volume of the cylinder described around it. In addition to Archimedes, Democritus and Eudoxus of Cnidus also made a great contribution to the study of geometry.

New time

During Antiquity, all the basic formulas for calculating three-dimensional figures were derived, and the Middle Ages did not give a single fundamentally new discovery in this area - with the exception of Indian researchers (mainly Brahmagupta), who created several geometric rules in the 6th-7th centuries with the addition of a new value - the semi-perimeter. A fundamentally new approach was applied only in modern times - in the XVI-XVII centuries.

In his work "Geometry" (Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum nova quadam ratione promota) of 1635, the Italian scientist Bonaventura Cavalieri proposed a new principle for finding the volume of a pyramid, and laid the foundation for the further development of mathematics and physics for 300 years to come. The principle is that if at the intersection of two bodies by any plane parallel to some given plane, the cross-sectional areas are equal, the volumes of these bodies are also equal.

It is noteworthy that until the 19th century there were no exact definitions for the volumes of three-dimensional bodies, and they were formulated only in 1887 by Giuseppe Peano, and in 1892 by Marie Enmond Camille Jordan. According to the SI system, the cubic meter became the main unit of measurement of volume, and all other units (ounces, feet, barrels, bushels) remained as alternative ones.

3D geometry aroused particular interest in the 20th century, with the development of abstractionism. In 1966, photographer Charles F. Cochran created his famous “crazy box” photo of an inside-out cube, after which cubic snowflakes, floating, repeating, two-story cubes, and more entered the list of impossible 3D shapes. Modern 3D art is also impossible without the use of generally accepted formulas for finding volume, which, although calculated by a computer, were created many centuries ago.

How to find volume (volume formulas)

How to find volume (volume formulas)

If it is enough to add several numbers in a column to calculate the perimeter, then an engineering calculator or a special online application may be required to determine the volume. This applies to all basic three-dimensional figures: cube, prism, ball, parallelepiped, cone, cylinder, tetrahedron and pyramid.


Since all faces of a cube are the same length and all angles are 90 degrees, the calculation of the volume of this figure is elementary. For him, it is enough to use a formula with one unknown:

  • V = a³.

Accordingly, V is the volume of the cube, a is the length of its face. Volume units are standard: meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter and so on.


This geometric figure is a polyhedron, the two sides of which are the same in shape and area and are in parallel planes. And between them are rectangles strictly perpendicular to the bases. The latter can have any polyhedral shape: triangle, pentagon, hexagon. The formula for determining the volume in any case looks the same:

  • V = Sₒ ⋅ h.

In the expression, h is the height of the prism, and Sₒ is the area of its base. The latter is calculated according to the formula corresponding to this particular figure, be it a triangle, a rhombus, a trapezoid.


This figure is one of the varieties of a prism, but if the faces of the latter are strictly perpendicular to the bases, then the first one can have beveled ones - with angles other than 90 degrees. However, the formula for calculating the volume of a box looks the same:

  • V = Sₒ ⋅ h.

Height h is drawn from the corner of the upper base perpendicularly downwards, and with beveled edges does not coincide with the corner of the lower base. If the box is rectangular, the volume is calculated as the product of the sides:

  • V = a ⋅ b ⋅ h.

Accordingly, a and b are the lengths of the sides of the base, h is the height of the box. In this case, the height completely coincides with any of the side edges.


A figure more difficult to calculate, consisting of a polygonal base and triangular faces, the number of which is equal to the number of sides of the base. If it is a triangle, there are 3 faces, if a square is 4, if a hexagon is 6. All side faces have a common vertex, and the volume is calculated using the universal formula:

  • V = (1/3) ⋅ Sₒ ⋅ h.

As in the previous formulas, Sₒ is the area of the base, h is the height of the figure. The expression does not change when changing the base, and is the same for all varieties of pyramids.

Regular tetrahedron

This figure has all dihedral angles at the edges equal, and the faces are equilateral triangles, including the base. Thus, a regular tetrahedron can be called a triangular pyramid with four identical sides. Its volume is calculated by the formula:

  • V = (a³ ⋅ √2) / 12.

There is only one unknown in the expression - a, corresponding to the length of the edge of a regular tetrahedron. All edges in it are the same, so it is enough to cube, then multiply by the root and divide by 12.


This geometric figure consists of two round bases, identical in diameter and parallel to each other. They are interconnected by one continuous side surface perpendicular to the bases. The latter can be represented both by circles and ovals. In any case, the formulas for calculating the volume look the same:

  • V = π ⋅ R² ⋅ h.
  • V = Sₒ ⋅ h.

In these equations, Sₒ is the area of the base of the cylinder, h is the height of the cylinder, and R is the radius of the base. The first formula is only suitable for cylinders with a perfect round base, and the second formula is suitable for all cylinders, including oval and elliptical.


Another common 3D shape is the cone, with a round base and a sharp apex. To calculate its volume, you can use one of two mathematical formulas:

  • V = (1/3) ⋅ π ⋅ R² ⋅ h.
  • V = (1/3) ⋅ Sₒ ⋅ h.

The first is suitable only for cones with a round base, and the second is universal, and can be used to calculate figures with oval and ellipsoid bases. The notation in the formulas is standard: Sₒ is the area of the base, R is the radius of the base, h is the height of the cone.


Finally, to calculate the volume of a sphere, you only need the constant π (equal to 3.14...), and its radius:

  • V = (4/3) ⋅ π ⋅ R³.

Accordingly, R is the radius of the ball, which is enough to determine the volume of this figure.

In order not to waste time and puzzle over complex calculations, you can use a push-button (or software) engineering calculator with roots and degrees, or a special online calculator with empty fields for entering the characteristics of three-dimensional figures.